We are all entrusted with gifts from the Divine (God, Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh, whatever your name of choosing is.) Some are not even connected with their gifts, many of us use them, but not to they’re full potential, while others are fulfilling their destiny.
Regardless, we are not here to use our gifts/talents solely for our benefit, be it financial or ego feeding. We are all here to assist each other in elevating to a higher consciousness and give love.
Seeing all as interconnected and from The One Source makes everyone and everything equal. The red ant and our best friends are equal.
Hence why reverence for all life is so important. For example, I do not kill spiders. I relocate them. If I choose to not have them in my house, then I bring them to a corner of the basement in the winter or outside when the weather is conducive.
However, would I pick up a black widow just because we are both part of the Divine Spirit? No, common sense and self-preservation applies to all species, but there are always options and other possibilities besides the obvious.
Free will is a gift from the Divine and it should be used consciously. Giving our will to the Divine is how we can elevate to the level where we live in true reverence to all beings, through our words, actions and thoughts.
This does not make us puppets. In truth, we humans made this world entirely. That is why it is not perfect. We make our world by our thoughts, actions, reactions, and desires.
We are given what we ask for consciously or unconsciously. We are loved that much by the Divine, for we can only learn from that which we think we know, for that thinking comes from a place of separateness from the Divine and through our learning are brought closer to true love.
Marie Boyum