There is a story of a little boy who received a quarter from his grandpa. He was so excited he showed it to his friend while they were playing outside. A bigger boy came over and said, “I’ll give you three coins for your one coin.” The younger boy knew three was more than one, and gladly took the three nickels. Later, another boy said, “I’ll give you eight coins for your three, and again the boy was excited about getting more! The bigger boy gave the younger boy eight pennies for his three nickels. The boy was so happy he got more, he ran in to show his grandpa...
Are you striving for more and ending up with less? More is not always better. More can lead to pressures, stresses, and strains to keep up with everyone else, or to keep trying to top what we’ve done or have. Our society seems to thrive on “more is better,” but is it really?
Can we have more with less? I know with less, I have more time, more serenity, more appreciation, and more freedom, just to name a few of the benefits; and those, are more than worth it.
When we think of the places where there are not a lot of people, stores, gas stations, concrete, lights, and traffic, we see there is so much more, because there is so much less.
Some may see the “less” as not being convenient; I see it as a wonderful opportunity to live simply, economically, and earth (faerie)-friendly. There is more room for nature and wildlife. You can see stars, birds, reptiles, bugs and if you are privileged, those in the faerie realm.
In addition, all that “less,” totals so much “more,” in terms of peace, serenity, quiet, and beauty, not to mention, deepening your connection to the Divine and having joy in knowing there is still somewhere where wildlife outnumbers humans. The great minds of Thoreau, and Emerson knew that we are at our best as humans, when we are more in tune with nature.
Now, I know we cannot all run off to the secluded wilderness, but the lessons those serene woods teach can be applied anywhere, if you are willing to let go of some of the material things in your life and allow the natural ones to come to the surface. Not having so much stuff can save you time, money and frustrations, while lessening the burden you place on Mother Earth.
One way to bring the simplicity of nature to your surroundings is to easily, and inexpensively attract more birds, butterflies, and animals into your yard. Not sure how to begin? Watch here for more blogs that give ideas how to use recyclable products to make birdbaths, feeders, suit holders and the like. Ask any question you have. Send me your thoughts and comments, whether you agree or not that humans need to simplify their lives and take hints from nature how to live. Worry does not exist in nature, wouldn’t you like to have it extinct from your life?
©Marie Boyum