The faeries teach us that we need to have reverence and respect for Mother Earth; obviously, we have taken her for granted for far too long.
I have spoken of some ways to assist Mother Earth and will continue to talk on that subject however, it is also important to heal ourselves, for when we do we also heal the energy of the universe.
Healing the many wounds that environment, society, and guilt have created within us appears to not be easy, but the blessed thing is, nature teaches us it can be simple. We only need to slow down enough to see, think, feel, hear, smell, and taste life’s glory, to know we do not really need much to have inner peace, and be truly happy no matter what life throws at you.
Does this mean we should all give everything up and take off for the north woods? No, in fact, if we did we’d end up creating the same thing we were running away from. The secret is not to run away from things but to run to them, from the inside out (Buddha leaf quote.)
When was the last time you truly looked at a leaf and saw the simple beauty yet complexity of it all? Are you like the leaf, splendid, ever changing; yet constantly growing and absorbing the abundance life has to give, or are you stuck in the fall or winter of our seasons, hibernating- appearing dead but still existing?
The wisdom of the trees shows us that although they have to go up against the weather, insects, man, and the messed up environment with its dirty air and water, they still somehow stay strong, continuing on year after year. We too have trails and crud thrown at us, whether it is from negative people, or things that happen. Yet, we still need nourishment daily, so we can stand strong and use our resources and gifts. We can find this in nurturing our bodies with healthy, organic foods, exercise and quiet contemplation, listening to nature and our inner guidance from the Divine. In essence, (and truly the key to all) being present and welcoming every moment.
Trees don’t need much to grow and flourish, and neither do we, if we keep it simple; we too can flourish and stand strong for many years and help create new offshoots that will continue to beautify and give joy and life to our world. So, by nurturing yourself as well as all aspects of nature, we all benefit, helping spread love and positive energy throughout the planet and the universe.
©Marie Boyum
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