With spring now officially here it does not mean instant warm, sunny days, and bright colored flowers. For many parts of the country it can still be cold, dark, and dreary.
Feeling blue can set in for anyone at any time of the year. How can you turn blue into a bright hue? The key is color. Just as music can assist in changing your moods, going from soft and bluesy, to more uplifting beats, color can do the same thing, and who doesn’t love to see a rainbow? The faeries love bright colors and they help give the flowers their bright, beautiful colors through their loving touch and energy.
So, for the next six days, our (mine and the faeries) spring gift to you is color therapy.
Each day I offer you simple ways to look at brightening up your life, as well as making it healthier, with little or no cost. We will begin by adding all the colors of the rainbow to your life, one at a time.
Start day one with wearing something red. Red is an energy color giving it as well as attracting it, and it can add vibrancy to your day. Don’t feel you look good in red? Wear red socks, or add a scarf, pin, or bracelet to your outfit for the day. Observe any changes in your energy or attitude. Add a red accent to your food. A slice of red pepper to jazz up your meal, a bowl of bright red apples on the table will not only brighten the room, but remind you of a healthy snack alternative.
Stop by again tomorrow for the next color to add from your rainbow, and let me know your thoughts. No one likes to think they are alone in cyberspace.
* Please note: This is not meant to replace doctor recommended medications for depression, or seeking professional advice if needed.
©Marie Boyum
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