More words of wisdom from the faeries…
“Everyone has a way to see, find, and add to the beauty of this world.”
Have you found some beauty today?
Looking within do you see your beauty?
Can you look at your outside without judgment or criticism?
We first need to see the beauty and love in ourselves before we can share any with the world. And the world needs us to be able to spread both beauty and love. The faeries work to do that by helping the plants, flowers, herbs, berries and vegetables grow, assisting the nature spirits to beautify the trees, grass and other aspects of our landscape.
Have you added to the beauty of the world today? The faerie realm is asking for our help to assist in beautifying the world as much as we possibly can. Many times society looks at beauty only in the physical form and in the extreme - who has the picture perfect look, or if you have that big, new, beautiful house; whomever has the most toys wins, type of attitude.
These attitudes can lead to pressures, jealousy, anger, frustration, fear, and a list of negative emotions that are unnecessary and do not assist in the overall energy of the planet, which needs all the positive thoughts it can get. Finding and celebrating the simple things in life ironically, can lead to those positive grand scale outcomes; it first starts with taking small steps.
Beautify the world by seeing and appreciating the simple things such as, you have a beating heart that keeps you breathing; legs and arms that allow you to do things, and lips to smile and share a simple hello to everyone you encounter, adds joy to the world.
To make your world truly beautiful, you first need to see it and then share it. We live on a giant sphere, and life is circular; what we send out will come back to us.
So send out your beauty through your thoughts, words, and actions, and watch how much beauty comes back to you, tenfold.
©Marie Boyum
4-22-11 (Earth Day)
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