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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Question & Simple Request

The faeries have a question for you. 
Do you recycle in your car?
What?  You may ask.   
Here are their words and request:

“We are fairly sure everyone has a garbage of some sort in their cars (if you don’t, we don’t want to think what you do- hopefully, you do not throw the trash out the window!) 
Do you have a separate trash bag for paper that is recyclable?  We believe that if you would separate out your clean paper trash from your regular trash you will see there is much that could be recycled that is being thrown away simply because it is in your car.  A small brown paper bag would suffice to place your papers in that you wish to get rid of.  Then, when it is full, place it in your paper recycle bin at home. 
It is a simple, yet helpful thing to do.  We are grateful for your help, even the littlest of bits add up to make a difference and show us you do care.”

So, there you have it, a simple request. 
Thank you in advance for I know if you read this blog, you care enough to do whatever you can to help Mother Earth.

©Marie Boyum

Thursday, May 19, 2011


People always ask me if I can see the fairies.  Can I see others in the faerie realm?
The answer is yes, but not always.  There are times that I too hope, or even expect to see them and don’t.  I’m sure that’s partially why.  No one likes anyone to expect anything from them; that does not show true reverence and respect.  Just like anyone else, we can ask but that does not mean the other always jumps up and does what we ask right away. 

The other reason, I believe, is that we do not always see them is two-fold.  One, we are not generally as open as we think or present enough.  Our minds keep us in the past or future, so we miss what is right before us.  Two, knowing humans as they do, if they showed themselves to everyone all the time, we’d take them for granted and lose the magical messages they have for us. 

So, when, or until, you see faeries, keep the awe and be reverent and they will be with you whether you see them or not.  Be open to being open and see what mysteries unfold.

©Marie Boyum

Monday, May 16, 2011

A Challenge of Consciousness

We have a challenge for you.  For 24 hours, write down every time you complain.  Be honest as this will only benefit yourself and you don't have to show anyone.  
More than likely, if you are honest with yourself, you will see that what you complain about is probably nothing you can do anything about and really nothing of any consequence.  
It's a good exercise for bring about awareness and gratitude.  You may find that even if you have been told or believe yourself to be a positive person, there are more times than you would care to admit that your words are not always positive.

Why do we ask this and what does it have to do with the faerie realm?  
Well, as we have stated before, your words have an affect on others (and bring about your actions) as well as having a domino effect on the Universe.  To help heal Mother Earth we need to be as positive and uplifting as we can honestly be.  
Also, like attracts like, hence if you want positive things to happen in your life there needs to be positive thoughts, words and actions coming from you.  The faeries will only interact with those that are positively assisting the planet, so if you are desiring a connection to the faerie realm this exercise will only help bring you closer to them.  
Besides, being positive is far healthier for you physically, mentally and spiritually.  

So, take the challenge and let me know what you think and how it turned out for you.  As your faerie tale life unfolds (because if you see what you complain about, I'm sure you'll realize you have a much better life than you thought!) remember, everyone loves a happy ending. 

©Marie Boyum

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Recolor Your Blues with Color Therapy: Ways to Spring Out of Your Winter Blahs in 6 Days-Day 6

Well, today is number six, the last color to complete our rainbow.   My desire over these past six days has been to help you find ways to brighten up your life. I hope you found this helpful invite others to come and view these writings.  Anyone may use these ideas to pass on to others; I only ask that you include my name and add this site's link.

So, on to our rainbow…  Last but not least is purple, the creative, expressive color.  No matter what your age, act like the ladies in the Purple Hat Society, who say, “Why wait till you’re 80 to wear a purple hat and have fun?”  Men can also don purple with a purple ties or socks. 

Go wild, and get creative and expressive; replace your workout shoes with purple laces, and watch your energy soar!  Write a friend a real letter, instead of e-mail and use purple ink.  Your creativity will flourish.  Men, write your wife a simple “I love you” note in purple ink, and watch the reaction and smiles you get when she sees you took the time to do something a bit different and special just for her. 

These simple, inexpensive things can make a big impact on positive energy for you and anyone else who sees them.  Let’s not forget al the wonderful purple foods available to our palate.  Red onions (that really look purple,) grapes, a great source of natural energy, eggplant, and natural juices, all can add to the positive, creative, and learning energy, that is associated with the color purple. 

Now that you have added a rainbow of color to your life, how can you feel blah?  With healthier foods, a closer connection to nature (and the faeries,) simple, and economical ideas to break free from the winter blahs, you can move into spring with a rainbow of color, a spring in your step, and that warm, loving feeling that we can begin anew, just like the earth does with spring. 

Remember, everyone has a way to see, find, and add to the beauty of this world.
Please let me know how you added color and beauty to your life and if you found this useful, (or even annoying!)

* Please note:  This is not meant to replace doctor recommended medications for depression, or seeking professional advice if needed. 

©Marie Boyum

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Recolor Your Blues with Color Therapy: Ways to Spring Out of Your Winter Blahs in 6 Days-Day 5

Nearing the bottom of the color spectrum is blue.  Maybe that is why blue gets a bad rap, it’s near the bottom, but those connections come from the negative connotations; we are focusing on the positives.  Blue foods, such as blueberries, have great health benefits.   The USDA Human Nutrition Research Center states that blueberries have the highest antioxidant activity and slow age-related loss in mental capacity.  The Oregon Blueberry Growers claim blueberries promote weight loss, improve vision, strengthens blood vessels, lowers cancer risks, and more.  Blue potatoes are also a great blue food, nutrient-packed with vitamin C, Vitamin B, Niacin, Thiamine, Magnesium, Potassium (having up to 40 times that of a banana,) a good source of fiber, and not high in calories (unless you add butter, sour cream, and blue cheese!)  Find some blue flowers, look at the blue sky, or add a blue accent to your outfit today; think of blue as the beautiful earth we live on, find ways to honor her, and respect the blue sphere that we all call home.  The faeries and Mother Earth will thank you for your gratitude and respect.

There’s one more day left so come back again tomorrow; don’t let me be lonely and blue, (I know, that’s corny-hey, blue corn!)  Okay, okay, enough…just someone write already!

* Please note:  This is not meant to replace doctor recommended medications for depression, or seeking professional advice if needed. 

©Marie Boyum

Monday, May 2, 2011

Recolor Your Blues with Color Therapy: Ways to Spring Out of Your Winter Blahs in 6 Days-Day 4

Day four in our color therapy focuses on green.  You don’t need to look outside your window to add this beautiful color to your day, read on for ideas on how to live green.

Green, the representation of spring and new growth, can easily be added to your day through green leafy vegetables (try a veggie sub today for lunch,) and by saving and sharing some green (money.)  Commit to putting at least one dollar in a savings for yourself, and giving at least one dollar to a reputable charity for at least six days.  Maybe it will become a habit and you will create your own pot of gold! 
Giving can bring back to you more than you ever imagined, no not always money, but joy, and appreciation for those that you made smile. 

Look around and really see all the green in nature.  Say thanks out loud to nature itself, your Higher Power, God, or whomever you choose to believe, gave you the beautiful gift of green life today.  Do you have a small houseplant in your house?  Many are only a couple of dollars, and all you need to do is ask which ones require little water or light, depending on your situation.  There is a plant for everyone and they do not all require daily work (although they do like to be talked to, tell them how beautiful they are, and you will feel your true beauty also J  They will brighten up your home, give you your daily green, as well as fresh oxygen and draw in the faeries. 

Even if it is just for today, do something to “go green” for the environment.  Recycle an item you normally throw in the garbage, pick up trash wherever you see it today, walk, or bike (that would be a bit harder if you live where I live today,) to the store or work: this will not only help the environment be more green, but save you some also.  Buy organic and help our “green” farmers.  Just one little change can make a difference, and who knows, it might become a welcome pattern!

Write me and let me know how you turned “green” if only for a day, (hopefully it was not the green with envy kind of green!)  Anyway, talk to me; I’m getting lonely here.

* Please note:  This is not meant to replace doctor recommended medications for depression, or seeking professional advice if needed. 

©Marie Boyum

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Recolor Your Blues with Color Therapy: Ways to Spring Out of Your Winter Blahs in 6 Days -Day 3

Happy May Day!  It is a special day for the faeries and also known as Baltane.  So, celebrate!  Welcome the flowers, the warmer weather to come and the faeries into your day, your yard and your life! 
Day three of our series is short and sweet, but don’t forget, these are only guidelines.  I invite you to let your imagination explode for each and every day. 
Send me your thoughts and ideas; it’s always good to listen and learn from others, which is how wisdom is passed on. 

Going up the rainbow spectrum for day three is yellow.  It is associated with intensity and emotions.  Make today an accent day!  Buy an inexpensive bunch of yellow carnations, or daffodils (besides, it draws in the flower faeries!)  Grab your old work sneakers and decorate with yellow puffy paint.  Write yourself a positive affirmation on a bright yellow piece of paper and carry it with you for the day.  Remember, today is the day to heighten positive intensity and emotions. 

Send one of those silly yellow smiley faces to everyone you know.  I’d love one, then at least I’d know I am not alone and just talking to myself   

* Please note:  This is not meant to replace doctor recommended medications for depression, or seeking professional advice if needed. 

©Marie Boyum