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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Recolor Your Blues with Color Therapy: Ways to Spring Out of Your Winter Blahs in 6 Days -Day 3

Happy May Day!  It is a special day for the faeries and also known as Baltane.  So, celebrate!  Welcome the flowers, the warmer weather to come and the faeries into your day, your yard and your life! 
Day three of our series is short and sweet, but don’t forget, these are only guidelines.  I invite you to let your imagination explode for each and every day. 
Send me your thoughts and ideas; it’s always good to listen and learn from others, which is how wisdom is passed on. 

Going up the rainbow spectrum for day three is yellow.  It is associated with intensity and emotions.  Make today an accent day!  Buy an inexpensive bunch of yellow carnations, or daffodils (besides, it draws in the flower faeries!)  Grab your old work sneakers and decorate with yellow puffy paint.  Write yourself a positive affirmation on a bright yellow piece of paper and carry it with you for the day.  Remember, today is the day to heighten positive intensity and emotions. 

Send one of those silly yellow smiley faces to everyone you know.  I’d love one, then at least I’d know I am not alone and just talking to myself   

* Please note:  This is not meant to replace doctor recommended medications for depression, or seeking professional advice if needed. 

©Marie Boyum

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