Day four in our color therapy focuses on green. You don’t need to look outside your window to add this beautiful color to your day, read on for ideas on how to live green.
Green, the representation of spring and new growth, can easily be added to your day through green leafy vegetables (try a veggie sub today for lunch,) and by saving and sharing some green (money.) Commit to putting at least one dollar in a savings for yourself, and giving at least one dollar to a reputable charity for at least six days. Maybe it will become a habit and you will create your own pot of gold!
Giving can bring back to you more than you ever imagined, no not always money, but joy, and appreciation for those that you made smile.
Look around and really see all the green in nature. Say thanks out loud to nature itself, your Higher Power, God, or whomever you choose to believe, gave you the beautiful gift of green life today. Do you have a small houseplant in your house? Many are only a couple of dollars, and all you need to do is ask which ones require little water or light, depending on your situation. There is a plant for everyone and they do not all require daily work (although they do like to be talked to, tell them how beautiful they are, and you will feel your true beauty also J They will brighten up your home, give you your daily green, as well as fresh oxygen and draw in the faeries.
Even if it is just for today, do something to “go green” for the environment. Recycle an item you normally throw in the garbage, pick up trash wherever you see it today, walk, or bike (that would be a bit harder if you live where I live today,) to the store or work: this will not only help the environment be more green, but save you some also. Buy organic and help our “green” farmers. Just one little change can make a difference, and who knows, it might become a welcome pattern!
Write me and let me know how you turned “green” if only for a day, (hopefully it was not the green with envy kind of green!) Anyway, talk to me; I’m getting lonely here.
* Please note: This is not meant to replace doctor recommended medications for depression, or seeking professional advice if needed.
©Marie Boyum
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