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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Recolor Your Blues with Color Therapy: Ways to Spring Out of Your Winter Blahs in 6 Days-Day 6

Well, today is number six, the last color to complete our rainbow.   My desire over these past six days has been to help you find ways to brighten up your life. I hope you found this helpful invite others to come and view these writings.  Anyone may use these ideas to pass on to others; I only ask that you include my name and add this site's link.

So, on to our rainbow…  Last but not least is purple, the creative, expressive color.  No matter what your age, act like the ladies in the Purple Hat Society, who say, “Why wait till you’re 80 to wear a purple hat and have fun?”  Men can also don purple with a purple ties or socks. 

Go wild, and get creative and expressive; replace your workout shoes with purple laces, and watch your energy soar!  Write a friend a real letter, instead of e-mail and use purple ink.  Your creativity will flourish.  Men, write your wife a simple “I love you” note in purple ink, and watch the reaction and smiles you get when she sees you took the time to do something a bit different and special just for her. 

These simple, inexpensive things can make a big impact on positive energy for you and anyone else who sees them.  Let’s not forget al the wonderful purple foods available to our palate.  Red onions (that really look purple,) grapes, a great source of natural energy, eggplant, and natural juices, all can add to the positive, creative, and learning energy, that is associated with the color purple. 

Now that you have added a rainbow of color to your life, how can you feel blah?  With healthier foods, a closer connection to nature (and the faeries,) simple, and economical ideas to break free from the winter blahs, you can move into spring with a rainbow of color, a spring in your step, and that warm, loving feeling that we can begin anew, just like the earth does with spring. 

Remember, everyone has a way to see, find, and add to the beauty of this world.
Please let me know how you added color and beauty to your life and if you found this useful, (or even annoying!)

* Please note:  This is not meant to replace doctor recommended medications for depression, or seeking professional advice if needed. 

©Marie Boyum

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